How to Retrieve an vgObject's Position


Vega Code Example







This example function illustrates :

  • How to get the position of a vgObject
  • How to get the just the X, Y,  Z coordinates of a vgObject
  • How to get the just  H, P, R coordinates of a vgObject
  • How to get the X,Y, Z,H,P,R coordinates of a vgObject
  • How to use vgDelete
  • How create a vgPos instance
  • How to delete a vgPos instance
  • How to get the vgObject position with vpGetPos






#include "vg.h"          // Required for the standard Vega classes
#include "vgperf.h"      // Required for the vgGetXXXPfNode functions



getVegaObjectsLocalXYZ( vgObject *obj, float *x, float *y, float *z ){

// ##################################################################

// # Public  function  

// #

// #   Function shows to retrieve the current local X,Y,Z coordinates

// #   of the give Vega Object

// #

// ##################################################################

float       d   = 0.0f;

vgPosition *pos = NULL;




    //  Sanity check we need a vgObject


    if( obj == NULL )





    //  Create a vgPos


    pos = vgNewPos();

    if( pos == NULL )





    //  Retrieve the current local position from the object


    vgGetPos( obj, pos );




    //  Now retrieve the position translation vector


    vgGetPos( pos, x, y, z, d, d, d );





    //  Release the vgPos as where done


    vgDelPos( pos);


} // getVegaObjectsLocalXYZ




getVegaObjectsLocalHPR( vgObject *obj, float *h, float *p, float *r ){

// ##################################################################

// # Public  function  

// #

// #   Function shows to retrieve the current local H,P,R coordinates

// #   of the give Vega Object

// #

// ##################################################################

float       d   = 0.0f;

vgPosition *pos = NULL;




    //  Sanity check we need a vgObject


    if( obj == NULL )





    //  Create a vgPos


    pos = vgNewPos();

    if( pos == NULL )





    //  Retrieve the current local position from the object


    vgGetPos( obj, pos );




    //  Now retrieve the positions orientation vector


    vgGetPos( pos, d, d, d, h, p, r );





    //  Release the vgPos as where done


    vgDelPos( pos);


} // getVegaObjectsLocalHPR





getVegaObjectsLocalPos( vgObject *obj

                      , float *x, float *y, float *z

                      , float *h, float *p, float *r ){


// ##################################################################

// # Public  function  

// #

// #   Function shows to retrieve the current local X,Y,Z H,P,R

// #   coordinates of the give Vega Object

// #

// ##################################################################

vgPosition *pos = NULL;




    //  Sanity check we need a vgObject


    if( obj == NULL )





    //  Create a vgPos


    pos = vgNewPos();

    if( pos == NULL )





    //  Retrieve the current local position from the object


    vgGetPos( obj, pos );




    //  Now retrieve the position translation vector


    vgGetPos( pos, x, y, z, h, p, r );





    //  Release the vgPos as where done


    vgDelPos( pos);


} // getVegaObjectsLocalPos








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